We've been having lots of fun with family and friends over the past several months. I'm really trying to be even more present, as I enjoy and cherish these special times ~ time is passing way too quickly! I hope you enjoy these snapshots of our crazy busy, fun, and blessed life!
Birthday Celebrations
My absolute favorite moment of Daddy and Andrew's shared birthday celebration!
Preschool birthday celebrations are so sweet! We celebrated Andrew's special day one more time with candy sprinkled sugar cookies and juice.
We then celebrated Jonathan's special day (their birthdays are just two weeks apart) at the Outback, complete with a brownie and ice cream (it's flourless!) ~ the perfect birthday dessert for him!
We celebrated again the next day (on his actual birthday ~ too many schedules to navigate!), and I still can't believe he's eleven! ELEVEN!! He's truly an awesome kid, and we are so blessed to be his parents!
Andrew was SO excited about the Skylanders he picked out for his brother. He was successful at keeping a secret, and Jonathan loved them!
We're so proud of how hard Jonathan worked during basketball season. He has been experiencing an onset of
Sever's Disease ~ a painful bone disorder that results from inflammation (swelling) of the growth plate in the heel. It's something he'll grow out of, but he was in a lot of pain during/after practices and games. He just loved playing too much to step away for the season ~ we're so proud of his determination and perseverance!
Indoor Soccer

Lauren loved playing indoor soccer, and we enjoyed watching the games ~ it really was a lot of fun!
And just like that.... Jonathan earned his rank as Black Belt Recommended! He has been taking for about a year and a half, and he has worked really hard... but he makes it look so easy! These photos were taken by our friend and neighbor,
Rick Strupp.
All County Orchestra
Lauren and her friend, Taylor, were excited to be a part of the All County Orchestra again this year. It's their second year of Strings, and they both love playing the violin. I was in complete awe listening to the orchestra's performance ~ they played so beautifully!
Lunch Dates and Play Dates
We enjoyed lunch at French Fryz (complete with chocolate milkshakes) with our sweet friends who were traveling through Asheville on their way to a hockey tournament. We always love spending time with them!
Sweet friends enjoying every minute of their time together at the Play Lodge! The moms had a pretty good time as well ~ it's always fun to "catch up".
Snow Days
Snow days with friends and neighbors are the best!
We absolutely love the snow, so we were disappointed when the biggest snowfall of the season arrived as we were leaving for Disney. But thanks to our sweet neighbors, we got to enjoy lots of beautiful pictures! And quite honestly, once we felt the warm sunshine and enjoyed a few rides, we stopped missing the snow. :)
Walt Disney World
We enjoyed our winter getaway with family to Disney World!!
I'll be sharing lots and lots of pictures very soon!